Análisis del ambiente sonoro en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de Neonatología.
- Hernández-Molina, Ricardo 1
- Francisco Zacarías 1
- Virginia Puyana 1
- Víctor M. Rodríguez 1
- Juan L. Beira 1
- Cueto Ancela, José Luis 1
- Lubian López, Simón 2
Universidad de Cádiz
Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar
Publisher: Sociedad Española de Acústica.
ISSN: 2340-7441
ISBN: 978-84-87985-30-4
Year of publication: 2018
Pages: 345-359
Type: Conference paper
The objective of this work is focused in the study of the main sources of noise present in anintensive care room of neonatology and the sound environment derived from the normaloperation of the same. The noise levels generated by the different emitters in the room areanalyzed, including the influence of the behavior of the people who usually work in it. Thepurpose is to evaluate the acoustic quality existing in that space under normal workingconditions, the acoustic characteristics of the room, calculate the values of the daily noisedoses, and analyze the possible influence of noise levels on the incubators where they arelocated. the neonates. For this the method used is based on continuous sound records for aperiod of time long enough to be considered representative of the normal activity expected to becarried out in this type of rooms.