The RAP Net: A Geodetic Positioning Network for Andalusia (South Spain)
- Berrocoso Domínguez, Manuel 1
- Páez Jiménez, Raúl 1
- Jigena Antelo, Bismarck 1
- Caturla, Cristina 2
- 1 Laboratory of Astronomy, Geodesy and Cartography. Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Sciences. Campusof Puerto Real. University of Cádiz. 11510 Puerto Real (Cádiz). S
- 2 Andalusian Cartographic Institute. Council of Public Works and Housing. Government of Andalusia. Sevilla.Spain.
Editorial: Mitteilungen des Bundesamtes für Kartographie und Geodäsie
Año de publicación: 2006
Páginas: 1-15
Tipo: Aportación congreso
The Council of Public Works and Housing of the Government of Andalusia by means of the Andalusian Cartographic Institute has set a positioning geodetic network named Andalusian Positioning Network (RAP). The Laboratory of Astronomy, Geodesy and Cartography (LAGC) of the University of Cadiz is responsible for the design, development, quality checking, geodetic control and technical support of this network.The RAP network main goal is providing GPS data in RINEX format for post-processing operations, and broadcasting differential corrections (RTK or DGPS) from the stations for real-time operations.The RAP network is formed by 22 permanent stations distributed homogeneously as to solve the position problem along Andalusia, including the coast line. The network is referred to ETRF89 reference frame and it has become the geodetic reference frame to scientific and technologic applications, such as the geodynamic control of Andalusia; precise geoid determination; obtaining tropospheric and ionospheric models to regional climatological studies; setting photogrammetric points or marks for georeferencing of satellite images; establishing control points for reference networks in big civil works, for GIS applications, and for terrestrial, maritime and aerial navigation etc.In this paper we present the proceedings to design and set up of the network, to the organization and quality checking of data and the stations. Finally we explain the methodology established to calculate and adjust the RAP network.