Mutation Testing in Event Programming Language

  1. L. Gutiérrez-Madroñal 1
  2. J.J Domínguez-Jiménez 1
  3. I. Medina-Bulo 1
  1. 1 UCASE Software Engineering Research Group, University of Cadiz, Spain
7th European Symposium on Computational Inteligence and Mathematics (ESCIM 2015)

Publisher: Universidad de Cádiz (Dept. Matemáticas), Spain

ISBN: 978-84-608-2823-5

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 25-31

Type: Conference paper


Event processing queries are intended to process continuous event streams. These queries are partially similar to traditional SQL queries, but provide the facilities to express rich features (e.g., pattern expression, sliding window of length and time). An error while implementing a query may result in abnormal program behaviors and lost business opportunities. Mutation testing has been found to be effective to assess test suites quality and generating new test cases. In this work, we propose mutation-based testing of the Event Processing Language (EPL) 4.9.0 (a domain-specific language for processing events), mutation operators which modify different features of EPL queries and a new mutation analysis testing tool for EPL (MuEPL). Moreover, to evaluate MuEPL, we have applied to EPL programs.