University brand as a key factor of graduates employment

  1. Blanco, Miguel 1
  2. Bares, Lydia 1
  3. Hrynevych, Oksana 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España


Marketing and Management of Innovations

ISSN: 2227-6718 2218-4511

Año de publicación: 2019

Páginas: 193-208

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.21272/MMI.2019.3-15 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Otras publicaciones en: Marketing and Management of Innovations

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


The aim of this article is to establish a comparison in the degree of efficiency of European universities in the management of the labour insertion of their graduates. The methodology used is the data envelopment analysis (DEA). This type of analysis enables the measurement of the relative efficiency of different organizational units in situations where there is information about multiple inputs and outputs of resources. We define one hundred and twenty-six Decision Making Units (DMU) corresponding to each of the European universities analysed in our study. Developed analysis has allowed to determine the position that each of them occupies in relation to an efficiency frontier. Obtained results have allowed identifying 13 universities that show a score 100. In the interval 99-90 are 5. Between 89-80, we have 7. Between 79-70, 7. For the interval 69-60, 13. Between 59-50 are 19. Between 49-40, 20. Between 39-30, 13. And finally between 29-20 there are 19. The universities with a score of 100 belongs to France (Ecole polytechnique and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Italy (Politecnico di Torino), Portugal (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Spain (University of Navarra and University Carlos III of Madrid), Sweden (Chalmers University of Technology), Switzerland (University of St. Gallen) and United Kingdom (University of Cambridge and University of Oxford). These universities represent the optimum of efficiency if they are compared with the others analysed. The universities that have to improve the employability of its graduates by more than 74% to reach the optimum of efficiency are mostly in the United Kingdom and Sweden, but there are in other regions as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Netherlands. Among the main conclusions of this study, we would like to highlight how European university students present employment levels above those workers with lower levels of education. This data points to the high level of general efficiency achieved by university education in improving the degree of employability of its students

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