Las nuevas tecnologías como recursos de apoyo para el aprendizaje de las personas con necesidades educativas especiales

  1. Pavón Rabasco, Francisco
  2. Ordóñez-Sierra, Rosario
EDUTEC: nuevas tecnologías en la formación flexible y a distancia
  1. Cabero Almenara, Julio (coord.)

Editorial: Sevilla : Universidad de Sevilla, Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Institucionales y Extensión Cultural, 1999

ISBN: 84-89673-81-0

Any de publicació: 1999

Pàgines: 1-13

Tipus: Capítol de llibre


In the present communication we have sought to give to know how the new technologies more and more they can facilitate the process of teaching-learning of those subject with special educational necessities, as well as their possible integration in the labor world. Due to the space limitations we have only shown some of the possible technological resources as possible applicable flexible devices to a specially excluded community; concretely those subject with deficiencies motóricas