Neurocomunicación digital y Relaciones Públicasel caso de la prevención de suicidios en la población joven

  1. Leal Jiménez, Antonio 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España


Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas

ISSN: 2174-3681

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Titel der Ausgabe: Relaciones Públicas en tiempos del confinamiento

Ausgabe: 10

Nummer: 19

Seiten: 71-90

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.5783/REVRRPP.V10I19.635 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Andere Publikationen in: Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas

Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung


Suicide is a complex phenomenon that has attracted attention throughout the times of humanity. Since ancient times, its history has been approached in a general way. Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations already considered it the product of a melancholic state of mind. Virtually all religions agree in their rejection as a means of ending life. The common basis for this rejection is that it is God who gives life and He is the only one capable of taking it away. Most writers agree when considering it as the result of an act resulting from a distressing situation.Carrying out this study is justified since it is a topic that draws attention worldwide, due to the increase in the registration of cases, becoming a Public Health problem. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2020, 1.53 million people will die from suicide, one death every twenty seconds, and the number of attempts will be between ten and twenty times higher. Due to its seriousness, it requires our attention, although unfortunately, the large number of psychoeducational programs that exist for its prevention and control is not an easy task.With this work, we intend to understand its current reach in the young population and make known to what extent Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Neurocommunication with appropriate content on social networks could be applied to the management of Public Relations, to help alleviate, to a large extent, the envisaged attempts on the population concerned.Artificial Intelligence can be used to take advantage of real-time data to help us make more optimized and informed decisions. The advances made today in the field of advanced analytical techniques and statistical algorithms, to identify and obtain a better evaluation of what may happen in the future, processing data to identify patterns of behavior, managing with the media of communication, the issues derived from strategic consulting, academic research, can bring in various ways, great benefits in their application to Public Relations. This will increase the capacities that add value and can be considered as a prevention tool.New ways of acting that increase the efficiency between the sender and the receiver are necessary, through the contributions of neuroscience and the techniques of Public Relations so that their actions are more effective when the messages are directed towards reward systems of the brain. The new discipline of Neurocommunication as a meeting point between neurosciences and communication, tries to know the brain processes to carry out better strategies, in this case, of Public Relations, that allow decision-making in the adoption behavior in various situations. In-depth knowledge of the processes of the human brain as a decision system in which individuals interpret their realities, depends on the way each subject decodes it, since there is a connection between how we act and the brain system. All this makes us foresee that its application in the field of Public Relations will be essential to mitigate the reality, in this case studied, in the affected groups.

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