El comercio y los comerciantes en la Murcia de finales de la Edad Media a través de la documentación

  1. Peiró Mateos, María del Carmen
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Ángel Luis Molina Molina Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 10 von Dezember von 2007

  1. Juan Torres Fontes Präsident/in
  2. Juan Francisco Jiménez Alcázar Sekretär/in
  3. Juan Abellán Pérez Vocal
  4. José Ramón Hinojosa Montalvo Vocal
  5. Carmen María Cremades Griñán Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The objet of this investigation is to study, from a historical point of view, commerce in the Kingdom of Murcia during the period 1454 to 1500. Original sources. This analysis will lead us to become familiar with the Castilian fifteenth century, a transition between medieval and modern times. A rise in population can be seen that will allow the step from a subsistence economy towards other forms of more developed markets, attracting people from beyond ours borders, amongst which a substantial italian colony stands out. Collection of documents: a complete transcription of the docuemnts is included, preceded by summary of their contentes.