The limitations of the civil society organizations into the professional training policy for the unemployed
- 1 Universidad de Cádiz (Spain)
Verlag: Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra
ISBN: 978-989-99775-6-3
Datum der Publikation: 2019
Art: Konferenz-Beitrag
The training actions for unemployed people were organized in Spain since the last eighties of the last century. From then until now, more and more, civil society organizations have been involved in this policy. In this sense, the text evaluates if the larger prominence of this organizations involve a larger autonomy regarding the associated administrative structure of the state, and to what extend the European directives and state regulations delimit them. It studies the structure of relationships between organizations and the discussions which are collected into the normative base that regulates he professional training for unemployed people. This text includes a case study with empirical work of eleven in depth interviews to private and public organizations entailed in this professional training in Cadiz (Spain). Additionally, it analyzes the most recent directives and rules on Vocational training in Europe and Spain. The results help to understand better the existent imbrication between employment policy and social policy, in a context where the business environment and the civil society weave together. This case study is circumscribed into the European area, because of that it does a comparison with some researches in Europe about the professional training for unemployed, defined into the political, social and economic changes which have happened in the last years.