Nuevas técnicas docentes en Anatomía Humana para estudiantes de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y Deporte
- Noelia Geribaldi-Doldán 1
- Cristina Verástegui-Escolano 1
- Ignacio Rosety-Rodríguez 1
- Ismael Sánchez-Gomar 1
- Carmen Castro-González 1
- 1 Universidad de Cádiz, España.
ISSN: 2255-1514
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Pages: 121-131
Type: Article
More publications in: Campus Virtuales
When teaching Anatomy for the first time in Physical Activity and Sports Science Degree we faced with the discontent of the students, as they considered Anatomy as a complex subject and without interest for them. For this reason, we proposed to development a motivational model and design specific practices where to study a selected group of muscles through with a specific sport (football, basketball, golf and running). In addition, we implemented another series of teaching dynamics in order to increase the interest in Anatomy, such as gamification and 3D simulation programs. We carry out knowledge questionnaires before and after the experience and also, a final satisfaction survey. After analyzing the results, we observed the effectiveness of our tool and demonstrated that, thanks to the specific practices, the made mistakes were decreased in the questionaries. This teaching modality plus the use of gamification were widely accepted by the student.
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