Una experiencia de formación y aprendizaje a través de la evaluación

  1. Noelia Alcaraz Salarirche 1
  2. Manuel Fernández Navas 1
  3. Miguel Sola Fernández 2
  1. 1 Didáctica y Organización Escolar Universidad de Cádiz
  2. 2 Didáctica y Organización Escolar Universidad de Málaga
Experiencias innovadoras en el aprendizaje a través de la evaluación. EVALtrends 2011: EVALtrends 2011 Evaluar para aprender en la Universidad

Publisher: Bubok Publishing

ISBN: 978-84-15490-04-3

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 391-400

Type: Book chapter


Present work is relevant about the authors’ concept of assessment. A concept of assessment supported in recollecting useful and main information we can use to improve our practice and our learning processes. This idea of assessment, has been expressed by so many authors (Santos Guerra, M. Á. 1990; Álvarez Méndez, J. M. 1998; Elliott, J. 1990; Casanova, M. A. 1992; Fernández Pérez, M. 2005; Stenhouse, L. 1987; Sola, M. 1999; Gimeno, J. y Pérez, Á. 1993). Following this, the authors: a titular professor, a novel professor and a collaborative professor shared an assessment experience to training themselves and to training teachers in the subject “Evaluación de alumnos, centros y programas” from training teachers program of Málaga University along three years. At the begining all these processes about recollecting useful information are not sistematized. The design and evolution of these processes is the focus of this paper.