El acto de levantarse las faldas. De la performance al foto ensayo
- Soto, Alba
- Grau, Marina 1
Universidad Nebrija
ISSN: 2659-7721
Argitalpen urtea: 2021
Zenbakien izenburua: Puntos y contrapuntos. Cuerpos e identidades
Zenbakia: 3
Orrialdeak: 89-110
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Afluir: revista de investigación y creación artística
During the research for the artistic project that we conducted on the mythical figure of Baubo and the Anasyrma gesture (lifting skirts), we discovered that we had approached her from different angles.: The goddess archetype as a reference, the symbolic imaginary conducted around her, its assimilation from the body and the social connotations of the gesture itself.
Erreferentzia bibliografikoak
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