I Jornadas de Arqueología del Bajo Guadalquivir

  1. Manuel J. Parodi Álvarez
Ligustinus: Revista Digital de Andalucía de Arqueología Occidental

ISSN: 2340-5821

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 2

Pages: 35-43

Type: Article

More publications in: Ligustinus: Revista Digital de Andalucía de Arqueología Occidental


Between December the 3th and the5th 2013 took place the I Conference ofArchaeology of the Lower Guadalquivir, or-ganized by the association of Friends of theBook & Libraries “Luis de Eguílaz” and theFoundation Casa Medina Sidonia, in Sanlúcarde Barrameda (Cádiz); the institutional site ofthe Conference was the historic Ducal Palaceof Medina Sidonia, one of the most iconic andoldest monuments of the Lower Guadalquivirarea. This meeting, intended to be annual,brought in Sanlúcar a large group of scholars,as well as an interested public that followed thethree days long sessions of the Conference.Prehistory, Ancient History, traces of theMiddle Ages, the Archaeological Cards of San-lúcar and Trebujena, archaeological interven-tions in Sanlucar, as well as the reconstructionof the mythical Roman fish sauce, thegarum,focused the interest of those attending these IConferences Archaeology of the Lower Gua-dalquivir