Factores de riesgo para el suicidio en población transuna revisión bibliográfica

  1. Pérez-Calvo, Cristina 1
  2. Ruiz-Duet, Ana M. 2
  3. Rodríguez Riesco, Lorenzo 3
  4. Mateos Herrera, Antonio 4
  5. Vivas Herrera, Sebastián 5
  1. 1 Universidad de Sevilla. Redacción, concepción y diseño, aporte de material, recolección de resultados
  2. 2 Universidad de Cádiz. Redacción de manuscrito
  3. 3 Universidad de Cádiz. Asesoría técnica y conceptualización.
  4. 4 Universidad de Granada. Redacción de manuscrito
  5. 5 Universidad de Córdoba, Asesoría técnica y premaquetado
RESED: Revista de estudios socioeducativos

ISSN: 2341-3255

Ano de publicación: 2022

Título do exemplar: Nuevos retos hacia la inclusión de la atención a las diversidades

Número: 10

Páxinas: 267-280

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.25267/REV_ESTUD_SOCIOEDUCATIVOS.2022.I10.17 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openAcceso aberto editor

Outras publicacións en: RESED: Revista de estudios socioeducativos


Suicide is the leading cause of unnatural death in Spain, and the second one in the young population in general. Belonging to a minority social group increases vulnerability to suicide. This is the case of the LGBTIQ+ group, and specifically, of transgender people. The aim of this study was to review the scientific literature on suicide in transgender population, including risk and protective factors in order to improve prevention and intervention programmes. The literature located for the study is scarce, especially in the field of prevention and intervention. It is concluded that transgender people are more vulnerable to suicide due to factors such as social stigma, challenging situations experienced throughout the life cycle, and associated psychological problems. Suicidal ideation has been found to be frequent in the transgender population. Its early appearance correlates positively with the appearance of suicidal behaviour, which is why it is proposed to improve prevention programmes. Among the interventions that stand out as most effective are techniques aimed at gender self-affirmation and building a social support network.

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