Un apunte sobre los principios de personalidad y territorialidad del Derecho visigodo

  1. Juan Carlos Monterde García 1
  1. 1 Licenciado y Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad de Extremadura. Profeso sustituto de la Universidad de Cádiz
Mátria digital

ISSN: 2182-6544

Year of publication: 2019

Pages: 63-88

Type: Article

More publications in: Mátria digital


The present study tries to remember, in general lines, the European controversy raised around the personality and territoriality of Visigothic Law. In particular, following the publication of the article "Nationality and Territoriality of Law in the Visigothic Period" by D. Alfonso García-Gallo in the AHDE of 1936-1941. In this article the professor at the Central University of Madrid defended the revolutionary theory of the territoriality of the Visigothic laws since its inception, an approach that would be criticized in later years. Possibly, the absence or the lack of conservation of sources in the early Visigothic times (until the reign of Leovigildo) is the cause of this controversy.