Efecto del contexto en el diseño de los resultados de aprendizaje y su evaluación en educación superior
- 1 Universidad De Cádiz (España)
Publisher: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
ISBN: 978-84-19679-54-3
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 993-1001
Type: Conference paper
This study has been developed within the framework ofthe FLOASS Project led by the UNESCO Chair in Evaluation, Innovation and Excellence in Education and the EVALfor-SEJ509 Research Group Assessment & Evaluation in training contexts belonging to the University of Cádiz. Furthermore, it has been carried out together with researchers from the research groups EPSE-Evaluation of Socio-educational Programs (University of Oviedo), mi-E-tic-Research Methods and Information and Communication Technologies (University ofValencia), HEPE -Evaluation of Educational Programs (University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea), SBRLAB-Social and Business Research Lab (Rovira i Virgili University) and GIACE-Evaluation and Educational Q_uality (University of La Coruña). The main objective is focused on the textual analysis of the learning outcomes and the means and instruments of Social Sciences, in the fields of knowledge of Education, Economy and Business and Communication. For the textual analysis, the Xplortext package for R has been used. 11,670 definitions of learning outcomes and 7,588 descriptions of means and assessment instruments have been analysed. The results show the importance of contextua! conditions, such as the university or the field ofknowledge, insofar as they are associated with the way in which both learning outcomes and assessment means and instruments are conceptualized, described and chosen.