Análisis dea-bootstrapping modelo de eficiencia financiera del sistema portuario español
- Alberto Camarero Orive 1
- José Ignacio Parra Santiago 1
- Antonio Gil Ropero 2
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Universidad de Cádiz
ISSN: 2792-9698
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 2
Pages: 265-283
Type: Article
More publications in: Anuario de estudios marítimos
In order to obtain the financial efficiency of the system as a whole and of its Port Authorities, a DEA-Bootstrapping model study has been carried out to determine the overall performance. Economic inputs have been selected, such as total assets and net income from port charges, against operational outputs; the tonnes moved in a year and the vessels accommodated in the same period. Among the conclusions drawn, the overall average financial efficiency of the Spanish port system is low for the years of the study (close to 0.44), largely due to the assets of which the system is composed. The ports with the highest financial efficiency are consolidated ports in the Spanish port system, with large traffic and with assets aimed at attracting new ships and new goods.
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