El tema de las metamorfosis a partir de la poesía epigramática imperial. Entre Grecia y Roma

  1. Sandra M.ª Plaza Salguero 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz

    Universidad de Cádiz

    Cádiz, España

    ROR https://ror.org/04mxxkb11

Classica Boliviana

ISSN: 2313-5115

Year of publication: 2023

Pages: 51-90

Type: Article

More publications in: Classica Boliviana


The unilateral relationship that characterized the Greek and Latin literatures in a more archaic age changes from the late imperial period. There will be no longer a unilateral relationship but numerous bilateral exchanges between both cultures. All this can be observed by a selection of imperial and late epigrams about metamorphoses, collected in the Greek Anthology. Thus, the use and function of the topic of Metamorphosis, either involving mortal mythological characters or divine beings, will be similar in Greek authors like Bassus, Strato or Paulus Silentiarius and in Latin poets like Martial, Statius or Ausonius, among others. This work aims to emphasize the important historical and cultural relationship between Greek and Latin worlds through an analysis of the different connections in the Greco-Roman literature, regarding the topic of Metamorphosis.