Propuesta de Herramientas para la Docencia y el Aprendizaje desde la Reflexión de la Práctica

  1. Montserrat Vargas Vergara 1
  2. Federico Rodriguez-Rubio Cortadellas 2
  1. 1 Faculty of Education Sciences, University of Cádiz (Spain)
  2. 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Cádiz (Spain)
Teachers’ Life-cycle from Initial Teacher Education to Experienced Professional

Publisher: Association for Teacher Education in Europe, ATEE

ISBN: 978-90-8156-393-2

Year of publication: 2011

Pages: 619-638

Type: Book chapter


The Bolonia Process has brought on a period for reflection in the education process. At the beginning, the administrative and structural guidelines were designed for university level. Once the results of the investigations on the Process were analysed, the data obtained demonstrate that the Bolonia Process should include: Reflection on the relevance and appropriateness of the contents taught. Review of current teaching period/evaluation/practical sessions. Measures to enforce upon teachers who do not comply with set regulations. Adaptation of space to new forms of learning. Elaboration of schedules suited to pedagogical principles.While it is necessary to have a list of basic professional skills as a reference, personal skills must guide us in our teaching work regardless of whom we are teaching. These skills include: Reflection. This includes and involves a process of analysing the situation, evaluating how the learning process affects individuals at a personal level, analysis of personal attributes and individual tools people need to overcome obstacles and make decisions. Decision-making. A result of the reflection process, this affects us at both a professional and personal level. Responsibility. We must be responsible for the decisions that we make and the consequences that they create as well as the repercussion in our lives and that of others. Knowing oneself. To be well-trained in professional and personal skills, one must learn to discover his or her training needs. Therefore, the design and planning of proper teaching methods must help a professional to:- Know oneself better.- Discover the skills needed to fulfil objectives.- Discover one‘s professional and personal projects.- Suitable methods do not only involve obtaining results. They must lead the subject to discover those aspects described above. We understand the people know their own possibilities with regards to identifying what they need during a given situation and applying that knowledge in order to solve it. A person thus feels skilled and, above all, self-assured.