Laboratorio de Microbiología y Proteómica. Instituto de Investigaciones Vitivinícolas y Agroalimentarias IVAGRO. Universidad de Cádiz

  1. Almudena Escobar Niño
  2. Rafael Carrasco Reinado
  3. Francisco J. Fernández Acero 1
  1. 1 Instituto de Investigaciones Vitivinícolas y Agroalimentarias IVAGRO

ISSN: 2254-4399

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 76

Pages: 41-43

Type: Article

More publications in: SEM@foro

Bibliographic References

  • Valorization of microalgae biomass as a potential source of high-value sugars and polyalcohols. Rafael Carrasco-Reinado, Almudena Escobar, Ceferino Carrera, Palmira Guarnizo, Roberto A. Vallejo, Francisco J. Fernández-Acero. 2019, LWT, pág. DOI: lwt.2019.108385
  • V a l o r i s a t i o n o f t h e m i c r o a l g a e Nannochloropsis gaditana biomass by proteomic approach in the context of circular economy. Francisco Javier Fernández-Acero, Francisco AmilRuiz, María Jesús Durán-Peña, Rafael Carrasco, Carlos Fajardo, Palmira Guarnizo, Carlos Fuentes-Almagro, Roberto A. Vallejo. 2019, Journal of Proteomics, pág. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1016/j.jprot.2018.10.015
  • Development of new antiproliferative compound against human tumor cells from the marine microalgae nannochloropsis gaditana by applied proteomics. CarrascoReinado, R., y otros. 2021, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, pág. DOI:
  • Liñeiro, E., Cantoral, J.M. y FernándezAcero, F.J. Contribution of proteomics research to understanding Botrytis biology and pathogenicity. [aut. libro] Sabine Fillinger y Yigal Elad. Botrytis The Fungus, the Pathogen and its Management in Agricultural Systems. s.l.: Springer, 2015.
  • Deciphering the dynamics of signaling cascades and virulence factors of b. Cinerea during tomato cell wall degradation. Escobar-Niño, A., y otros. 2021, Microorganisms, pág. DOI: https://doi. org/10.3390/MICROORGANISMS9091837
  • Unravelling the initial triggers of Botrytis cinerea infection: First description of its surfactome. Escobar-Niño, A., y otros. 2021, Journal of Fungi, pág. DOI: https://
  • The Adaptat ion of Botryt is c inerea Extracel lular Vesicles Proteome to Surrounding Conditions: Revealing New Tools for Its Infection Process. EscobarNiño, A., y otros. 2023, Journal of Fungi, pág. DOI: JOF909087