Blended learning and ETCS: example of virtualization of a subject of Spanish Morphology

  1. F.J. de Cos Ruiz 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Cádiz (SPAIN)
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies EDULEARN09

Editorial: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), Valencia

ISBN: 978-84-612-9802-0

Any de publicació: 2009

Pàgines: 5559-5567

Tipus: Aportació congrés


In the context of the application of the Higher European Education Area in the University of Cadiz, we can say that the partial or total virtualization of the subjects represents the extreme degree of the combination of blended learning and the use of the ITC and affects the renovation of the programmings, from the moment at which it repels, by the level of non-attendance teaching that it allows and by the possibilities of directed independent personal work that it offers, in the student’s work load, besides to grant an innovating character to the methodology. In the case of the subject “Spanish Morphology”, main of 2nd course of Hispanic Philology, the resources on which the virtualization has been sustained is the following ones:a) Calendar, that presents the temporalization detailed according to days and hours of the different activities included in the programming; b) Program, that is to say, the complete programming of the subject (objective, index of subjects, methodology, system of evaluation, tutorials, bibliography); c) Contents, with summaries of each subject; d) Didactic guides, with suggestions to guide the study of each subject and bibliographical advice; e) Graphics, tables and images, that summarize main information in a format different from the verbal; f) Self-assessments, tests of multiple choice as a training that the student can do whichever times he wants, that it contains a series of original items that is not repeated in the examination, in which nor qualifications are assigned, nor are registered; g) Online Exercises, as complement to the ones made in classroom or as reinforcement of the studied contents; h) Interesting web pages, with the object to extend the field of the bibliography and to foment the search of information beyond the traditional routes; i) Works in group, that try to develop the reflective capacity and to harness a critical attitude; j) Tools of communication (electronic mail and forums), that allow, in non-attendance environments, the communication among the students and between these and the professor for the exchange of information and the consultation of doubts referred to the different academic activities, as support to the attendance tutorials and to the direct communication in class; and k) attendance Examinations of test type (multiple choice and relation of pairs) or of open answer.From the point of view of the teacher, all the tools that give form to the Virtual Classroom have demonstrated effective to provide to the student the contents of the subject, each one in the proportion that was possible to hope. Thanks to her, the Virtual Classroom has harnessed the student’s independent learning, who has felt like part important of teaching when assuming a protagonist role in his work of study and investigation, forced to make his notes from a bibliographical search, thing that has been complemented with summaries of the theoretical sessions in electronic format that the teacher one has hung in the Virtual Campus. With all property, it is possible to be said that the professor has exerted of orientation tutor and as much or more than of educational. Therefore, we emphasized the attainment of two objectives of the blended learning: to stimulate the participation of the student in his process of formation and the role of the professor as orientation of the learning; and to reduce the index of academic failure when doing the student conscious of his real progress in the subject.