Publicacions (165) Publicacions en què ha participat algun/a investigador/a


  1. Agüita: Educational Commons, Arts and Well-Being

    Educational Commons: Democratic Values, Social Justice and Inclusion in Education (Springer Nature Switzerland), pp. 133-150

  2. Análisis de la realidad socioeducativa y la expresión artística como estrategia de inclusión de los ODS

    La inclusión de los ODS en educación superior: Análisis, proyectos y experiencias (Octaedro), pp. 159-184

  3. Corresponsabilidad, espacios de cuidados y políticas públicas de igualdad de género en Iberoamérica


  4. El trabajo que cambia:: nuevos trabajos y nuevas identidades laborales

    Cuadernos de relaciones laborales, Vol. 42, Núm. 1, pp. 13-20

  5. Estrategias y desafíos metodológicos para la investigación social y criminológica sobre menores en tránsito

    Revista Electrónica de Estudios Penales y de la Seguridad: REEPS, Núm. 14

  6. The (new) moonlighting: between survival and self-realization at work. A look from the European experience

    Cuadernos de relaciones laborales, Vol. 42, Núm. 1, pp. 41-57

  7. The active production of consent for employment precarity and the euphemisation of coercion in platform economies: The case of food delivery riders

    Economic and Industrial Democracy


  1. 15-M movement and feminist economics: an insight into the dialogues between social movements and academia in Spain

    Social Movement Studies, Vol. 22, Núm. 3, pp. 324-342

  2. 15-M movement and feminist economics: an insight into the dialogues between social movements and academia in Spain

    Re-imagining Democracy, pp. 57-75

  3. 15-M movement and feminist economics: an insight into the dialogues between social movements and academia in Spain

    Re-imagining Democracy: legacy, Impact and Lessons of Spain's 15-M Movement (Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group), pp. 57-75

  4. Collective strategies of resistance to the precarious labour conditions in the digital platform economy: The case of riders x derechos

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 132-154

  5. Collective strategies of resistance to the precarious labourconditions in the digital platform economy: the case ofRiders x Derechos

    Contingent Workers’ Voice in Southern Europe (Edward Elgar), pp. 132-154

  6. Conclusion: Contingent workers' voice in Southern Europe after covid-19

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 197-202

  7. Contingent Workers’ Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation

    Edward Elgar Publishing

  8. Contingent workers' expectations for a collective voice: Between individualism and the need for representation

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 37-53

  9. Contingent workers' voice in Southern Europe: Collective experiences of protection and representation

    Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 1-230

  10. Docencia online y docencia híbrida en el contexto de pandemia: Lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas del profesorado de ciencias sociales y jurídicas de la universidad de Cádiz

    Innovación docente y metodologías activas de enseñanza. Propuestas y resultados (Dykinson), pp. 729-749

  11. Educación superior y pandemia: aportaciones desde la mirada crítica del estudiantado universitario

    Human Review: International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades, Vol. 18, Núm. 1

  12. Gender and Structural Inequalities from a Socio-Legal Perspective

    Gender-Competent Legal Education (Springer Suiza), pp. 95-142

  13. Introduction: What is at stake regarding the collective representation of contingent workers?

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 1-18