Profesora Titular de Universidad
Publications (36) MARIA GEMMA ALBENDIN GARCIA publications
Analysis of microplastics in the reuse of compost in three agricultural sites (Cádiz, Spain) as a circular economy strategy: detection of micropollutants and incidence of plastic ingestion levels by annelids
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 31, Núm. 39, pp. 51747-51759
Assessment and accumulation of microplastics in sewage sludge at wastewater treatment plants located in Cádiz, Spain
Environmental Pollution, Vol. 317
Characterisation of ChE in Solea solea and exposure of isoflavones in juveniles of commercial flatfish (Solea solea and Solea senegalensis)
Journal of Applied Toxicology, Vol. 43, Núm. 12, pp. 1916-1925
Microplastic in industrial aquaculture: Occurrence in the aquatic environment, feed and organisms (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 904
The Effects of Exposing Solea senegalensis to Microbeads with and Without Pesticides
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Vol. 234, Núm. 2
A method to remove cellulose from rich organic samples to analyse microplastics
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 334
Annual estimates of microplastics in municipal sludge treatment plants in southern Spain
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 49
Application of intermittent sand and coke filters for the removal of microplastics in wastewater
Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 380
Microplastics in a tropical Andean Glacier: A transportation process across the Amazon basin?
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 805
A new protocol to assess the microplastics in sewage sludge
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 44
In vivo cholinesterase sensitivity of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) exposed to organophosphate compounds: Influence of biological factors
Ecological Indicators, Vol. 121
Microplastic pollution in wastewater treatment plants in the city of Cádiz: Abundance, removal efficiency and presence in receiving water body
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 776
Occurrence of microplastics at Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Guadalete-Barbate river basin (Cadiz, Spain).
EGU General Assembly 2021
Pharmaceutical products and pesticides toxicity associated with microplastics (Polyvinyl chloride) in artemia salina
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 18, Núm. 20
Toxicity of malathion during Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis larval development and metamorphosis: Histopathological disorders and effects on type B esterases and CYP1A enzymatic systems
Environmental Toxicology, Vol. 36, Núm. 9, pp. 1894-1910
Análisis de la incidencia de talleres formativos en el desarrollo de competencias comunicativas en futuros docentes y ambientólogos
Revista Eureka sobre enseñanza y divulgación de las ciencias, Vol. 17, Núm. 3, pp. 3203
Carboxylesterase in Sparus aurata: Characterisation and sensitivity to organophosphorus pesticides and pharmaceutical products
Ecological Indicators, Vol. 109
Mapping microplastics in Cadiz (Spain): Occurrence of microplastics in municipal and industrial wastewaters
Journal of Water Process Engineering, Vol. 38
Characterization and in vitro sensitivity of cholinesterases of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) to organophosphate pesticides
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, Vol. 43, Núm. 2, pp. 455-464
Miniaturized and direct spectrophotometric multi-sample analysis of trace metals in natural waters
Analytical Biochemistry, Vol. 497, pp. 18-23