Fachbereich: Historia, Geografía y Filosofía

Bereich: Archäologie

Forschungsgruppe: El Círculo del Estrecho, Estudio Arqueológico y Arqueométrico de las Sociedades desde la Prehistoria a la Antigüedad Tardía

Email: alicia.arevalo@uca.es

Persönliche Website: https://uca-es.academia.edu/AliciaAr%C3%A9valo

Bereiche PAIDI: Humanidades

Doktorin von der Universidad Autónoma de Madrid mit der Dissertation Las monedas de Obulco 1992. unter der Leitung von Dr. Alberto Canto García.

I am Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cádiz, where I have settled the best records for my career in more than twenty years of compromised work with the protection and research of the ancient heritage of Hispania and Andalusia. This trajectory has allowed me to settle interesting new research lines such as the links between Numismatics and Archaeology. I have settled four research periods of six-years. Also, I have been recognized for five sections of the Autonomous Complements by the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Business of the Junta de Andalucía. It is particularly prodigious as evidenced by my recent participation numerous research projects: four funded by the Plan nacional de I+D (Deatlantir I-II); two by Proyectos Arqueológicos en el Exterior del Ministerio de Cultura (Tamuda; Pompeya); four by Proyectos de Excelencia del Plan Andaluz de Investigación (CVB-I, CVB II, Project HERACLES, WONDERCOINS-His) and one of Interreg Atlantic Area (TIDE: Atlantic Network for Developing Historical Maritime Tourism). Likewise, I have recently directed the Project by the Plan nacional de I+D “Moneda para el más allá. Estudio diacrónico del uso y significado de la moneda en las necrópolis de Gadir, Malaka y Ebusus” and the project “Dotación de equipamiento científico-técnico para la investigación del Instituto de Historia y Arqueología Marítimas de la Universidad de Cádiz” Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and FEDER. As for my international projection, I have directed and participated in international research projects in Italy, Portugal and Morocco. I am the academic coordinator of an Erasmus+ Program with the University of Bologna. I have been a beneficiary of an academic mobility scholarship among all the institutions associated with the AUIP at the University of Magdalena (Colombia). Finally, I have participated in a project of the Aids for archaeological actions of the Casa de Velázquez –NUMAROC- in a line arrogated to the project Monnaie dans l'Occident Mediterranée of the French School of Archaeology in Rome. My transfer capacity is justified by my participation in a long series of contracts with enterprises for Archaeology and Heritage conservation. In addition, I have participated in several technical commissions for the management of historical-archaeological heritage for the Archaeological Ensemble of Baelo Claudia, for the Commission of Historical Heritage of the Provincial Delegation of Culture of Cádiz, for the Technical Commission for the plan for the Provincial Museum of Cádiz and the Reception Centre of the Roman Theatre of Cádiz.