Department: Historia, Geografía y Filosofía

Research institute: Instituto de Investigación Marina (INMAR)

Area: Archaeology

Research group: El Círculo del Estrecho, Estudio Arqueológico y Arqueométrico de las Sociedades desde la Prehistoria a la Antigüedad Tardía


Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades

Doctor by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid with the thesis Economía y comercio de la Bética Mediterránea y del "Círculo del Estrecho" en la antigüedad tardía (ss. II-VII d.C.) a través del registro anfórico 1997. Supervised by Dr. Ángel Fuentes, Dr. Manuel Bendala Galán.

Archaeologist. Degree in Geography and History from the Universidad Autónoma (1997) and PhD from the same institution in Madrid (1997). Full Professor of Archaeology at the University of Cadiz, in the Department of History, Geography and Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. He is currently the General Coordinator of the International Excellence Campus of the Sea CEIMAR. Director of several research projects and Archaeological Activities in the ancients cities of Baelo Claudia, Iulia Traducta, Gades and its territorium, and Septem Fratres; and abroad, in Pompeii/Herculaneum, Portopalo (Syracuse) and Tamuda, Lixus and Northern Morocco. Visiting Professor at several European universities, especially Italian, and Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of History in Cadiz. He has published several monographs and scientific articles and directed about twenty doctoral theses on amphorae, fisheries, ceramic contexts and the importance of material culture for the themes of Production Archaeology, both in Andalusia and in the ancient Tingitana, the so-called Strait Circle.