Profesora Titular de Universidad
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Mexicali, MéxicoPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (7)
An analysis of the relationship between marital status and happiness in entrepreneurs of the industry 4.0 era, from the perspective of the age variable
2022 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference (TEMSCON EUROPE)
Does Entrepreneurship Make You Happier? A Comparative Analysis Between Entrepreneurs and Wage Earners
12th Global Conference on Business & Social Sciences “Contemporary Issues in Management and Social Sciences Research”,
Does entrepreneurship make you happier? A comparative analysis between entrepreneurs and wage earners
Sustainability (Switzerland), Vol. 13, Núm. 18
The role of religion and marital status in happiness perception of Spanish Entrepreneurs. A concept to be explore in the Post COVID-19 era.
2021 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference - Europe, TEMSCON-EUR 2021
Are spanish public employees happier in their work performance in the industry 4.0 era?
Polish Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 22, Núm. 1, pp. 103-116
Does Money Makes Entrepreneurs Happy in the Age of Industries 4.0?
2020 IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Conference, TEMSCON 2020
Does the level of academic study influence the happiness of Spanish entrepreneurs in Industry 4.0?
2020 International Conference on Technology and Entrepreneurship - Virtual, ICTE-V 2020