Catedrático de Universidad
Department: Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente
Research institute: Instituto de Investigación Marina (INMAR)
Area: Environmental Technologies
Research group: Tecnología del Medio Ambiente
Email: enrique.nebot@uca.es
Áreas PAIDI: Tecnologías de la Producción
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Caracterizacion de los principales parametros de operacion de sistemas tipo filtro anaerobio aplicacion al diseño 1992. Supervised by Dr. Diego Sales Márquez, Dr. Luis Isidoro Romero García.
The lines of research in which I have worked can be grouped into two major fields that are titled: DEPURATION TECHNOLOGIES: Anaerobic digestion; Hydrothermal oxidation; Disinfection of urban wastewater by ultraviolet light. Disinfection of marine waters: cooling water and ballast water. CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES: Environmental optimization of cooling systems of coastal thermal power plants; Ballast water treatment. QUALITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT: Quality of estuarine and coastal waters; Dynamics of pollutants in the marine environment. The fruits of this investigative work are included in the following sections. PUBLICATIONS: More than 70 articles in JCR international journals. PARTICIPATION IN SCIENTIFIC CONGRESSES: Member of the organizing committee of several conferences related to environmental issues. Presentation of more than 100 oral presentations and in the form of a poster in various national and international conferences. FINANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS: participation as a researcher in more than 40 research projects financed by public and private entities.