Departamento: Biología

Área: Zoología

Grupo de investigación: Ecología Microbiana y Biogeoquímica

Áreas PAIDI: Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente

Doctora por la Universidad de Cádiz con la tesis Estudio de las interacciones microbianas de comunidades planctónicas en gradientes ambientales 2020. Dirigida por Dr. Alfonso Corzo Rodríguez, Dr. Sokratis Papaspyrou.

My research focuses on the interactions between microbial planktonic communities and biogeochemical processes along environmental gradients in space and time, in order to assess their implications for the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems, to understand the ecological role of the microbial community in complex aquatic systems and to predict future changes in response to anthropogenic and climate change.