Investigador Posdoctoral UCA
Publications (34) RAFAEL ZARZUELA SANCHEZ publications
A combined data-driven, experimental and modelling approach for assessing the optimal composition of impregnation products for cementitious materials
Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 136
Advanced smart materials for preserving concrete heritage buildings
Nature Reviews Materials
Exploring the low cell adhesion of photoinduced superhydrophilic surfaces for improving the effect of antifouling protective coatings on porous building materials
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 400
Multifunctional silane-based superhydrophobic/impregnation treatments for concrete producing C-S-H gel: Validation on mockup specimens from European heritage structures
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 367
Studying the bulk hydrophobization of cement mortars by the combination of alkylalkoxysilane admixture and fluoropolymer-functionalized aggregate
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 65
Studying the influence of surface properties on the cell attachment and anti-fouling capacity of Ag/SiO2 superhydrophobic coatings for building materials
Building and Environment, Vol. 243
Validation of alkoxysilane-based protective treatments for increasing service life of cementitious materials under different weathering conditions
Developments in the Built Environment, Vol. 15
4-Year in-situ assessment of a photocatalytic TiO2/SiO2 antifouling treatment for historic mortar in a coastal city
Building and Environment, Vol. 225
A patchy particle model for C-S-H formation
Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 152
Achieving superhydrophobic surfaces with tunable roughness on building materials via nanosecond laser texturing of silane/siloxane coatings
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 58
Alkylsiloxane/alkoxysilane sols as hydrophobic treatments for concrete: A comparative study of bulk vs surface application
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 46
Effect of alkoxysilane on early age hydration in portland cement pastes
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 50
Studying the dosage-dependent influence of hydrophobic alkoxysilane/siloxane admixtures on the performance of repair micromortars
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 48
Alkoxysilane-based consolidation treatments: Laboratory and 3-years In-Situ assessment tests on biocalcarenite stone from Roman Theatre (Cádiz)
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 312
Anti-fouling nano-Ag/SiO2 ormosil treatments for building materials: The role of cell-surface interactions on toxicity and bioreceptivity
Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 153
Chemistry of the interaction between an alkoxysilane-based impregnation treatment and cementitious phases
Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 142
Compatibility, effectiveness and susceptibility to degradation of alkoxysilane-based consolidation treatments on a carbonate stone
Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 42
Consolidation of artificial decayed portland cement mortars with an alkoxysilane-based impregnation treatment and its influence on mineralogy and pore structure
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 304
Development of a novel engineered stone containing a CuO/SiO2 nanocomposite matrix with biocidal properties
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 303