Researcher in the period 2011-2018
Department: Filología
Area: Spanish Literature
Research group: Estudios de Literatura Española Contemporánea
Personal web:
Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades
Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis La obra literaria de Julia Uceda 2015. Supervised by Dr. Manuel José Ramos Ortega, Dr. José Jurado Morales.
María Teresa Navarrete Navarrete. D. in Hispanic Studies from the University of Cadiz and professor of literature at the University of Uppsala (Sweden). Her research topics focus mainly on contemporary Spanish poetry, literary networks under Franco's regime, and literature written by women. Her research has appeared in journals such as Ínsula and Signa, and in publishing houses such as Castalia and Iberoamericana. She has published the monograph "La poesía de Julia Uceda" (Visor, 2020).