Department: Ingeniería Química y Tecnología de Alimentos

Area: Chemical Engineering

Research group: Reactores Biológicos y Enzimaticos


Áreas PAIDI: Tecnologías de la Producción

I joined the Universidad Pablo de Olavide in 2015 to study the Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology. I finished the degree in 2019, culminating with the Final Degree Project: "Effect of temperature on the growth kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic conditions" developed in the area of Chemical Engineering, thanks to which I acquired fundamental skills for working with bioreactors. During my studies at university, I became very interested in the world of entrepreneurship in the biotechnology industry. These interests led me to take the official Master's degree of the University of Granada in molecular biology applied to biotechnology companies (BioEnterprise) in 2019. Thanks to my Master's studies, I gained a great deal of knowledge about entrepreneurship and business management tools, as well as the opportunity to do an internship in the Project Management Area of the Foundation for Biosanitary Research of Eastern Andalusia - Alejandro Otero (FIBAO). During these internships I acquired skills in the management of regional, national and international R&D projects (Andalusian Regional Government, ISCIII, SICA, European Commission...) and in applied aspects of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), a subject on which I carried out my study "Responsible Research and Innovation: analysis, diagnosis and proposal for improvement at the Institute for Biosanitary Research ibs.GRANADA" as my Master's thesis, thus concluding the Master's degree and my stay at the Foundation at the end of 2020. At the same time, in September 2020, I completed an international postgraduate degree from the University of Granada, Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) and Universitá Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) in the creation of companies in the biohealth sector (Postgraduate in entrepreneurship and innovation in biohealth). This postgraduate course gave me a greater depth in the entrepreneurial tools acquired in my master's degree and even new tools such as Lean-Canvas, Triple layer canvas, Empathy map, Marketing mix. Since March 2021 and until now I work in the research project PID2019-104525RB-I00 (acronym "PLASTWEED") as Research Support Staff thanks to a contract belonging to the National Youth Guarantee System (Call of the Junta de Andalucía), acquiring applied experience in the monitoring and characterisation of hydrothermal pre-treatments, enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic acidogenic fermentation (dark fermentation). As a result of these activities, I have published as first author the article "Yield evaluation of enzyme hydrolysis and dark fermentation of the brown seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae hydrothermally pretreated by microwave irradiation" in the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. DOI: