Financiador: UNIÓN EUROPEA
date_range Duración do 01 de xaneiro de 2009 ao 30 de xuño de 2012 (42 meses) Rematou
euro 403.535,00 EUR

De ámbito Europeo. Outorgouse en réxime de Concorrencia competitiva.

En colaboración con outras entidades. Rol: Coordinador

Convocatoria: Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme. Programas Europeos (UNIÓN EUROPEA)
Programa: Programas Europeos
Subprograma: Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme


Compoñentes noutros momentos (3)

Publicacións relacionadas co proxecto (17)

Mostrar por tipoloxía


  1. Collaborative dialogue agent for COPD self-management in AMICA: A first insight

    Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing

  2. Telemonitoring in AMICA: A design based on and for COPD

    Proceedings of the IEEE/EMBS Region 8 International Conference on Information Technology Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB


  1. AMICA telemedicine platform: A design for management of elderly people with COPD

    Final Program and Abstract Book - 9th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine, ITAB 2009

  2. AMICA-Optimierung des Versorgungs-und Behandlungsmanagements von COPD-Patienten

    Mobiles Computing in der Medizin - Proceedings zum 9. Workshop der GI- und GMDS-Arbeitsgruppe Mobile Informationstechnologie in der Medizin, MoCoMed 2009

  3. AMICA-Optimierung des Versorgungs-und Behandlungsmanagements von COPD-Patienten

    INFORMATIK 2009 - Im Focus das Leben, Beitrage der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V. (GI)