Ingeniería Eléctrica
Tapia Otaegui
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Gerardo Tapia Otaegui (10)
Modeling and control of a wind turbine driven doubly fed induction generator
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 18, Núm. 2, pp. 194-204
A new simple and robust control strategy for wind farm reactive power regulation
IEEE Conference on Control Applications - Proceedings
Adaptive control algorithm for a vector controlled induction machine-based position servo system
Ciencia y Engenharia/ Science and Engineering Journal, Vol. 11, Núm. 2, pp. 15-20
Voltage regulation of distribution networks through reactive power control
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline)
Reactive power control of a wind farm made up with doubly fed induction generators (I)
2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings
Reactive power control of a wind farm made up with doubly fed induction generators (II)
2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings
Reactive power control of a wind farm through different control algorithms
Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems
Simulation of a wind farm performance under wind speed changes
IEE Conference Publication
Digital simulation performance of a wind farm
Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON
Modeling and dynamic regulation of a wind farm
International Power Electronics Congress - CIEP