Química Física
Investigadora Doctora Tipo 1
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with ESTHER BAUTISTA CHAMIZO (7)
Comparative effects of seawater acidification on microalgae: Single and multispecies toxicity tests
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 649, pp. 224-232
Biomarker responses of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in acid mine drainage polluted systems
Environmental Pollution, Vol. 242, pp. 1659-1668
Effects of CO2 enrichment on two microalgae species: A toxicity approach using consecutive generations
Chemosphere, Vol. 213, pp. 84-91
Metal fractionation in marine sediments acidified by enrichment of CO2: A risk assessment
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 131, pp. 611-619
Will temperature and salinity changes exacerbate the effects of seawater acidification on the marine microalga Phaeodactylum tricornutum?
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 634, pp. 87-94
A possible CO2 leakage event: Can the marine microbial community be recovered?
Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 117, Núm. 1-2, pp. 380-385
Simulating CO2 leakages from CCS to determine Zn toxicity using the marine microalgae Pleurochrysis roscoffensis
Chemosphere, Vol. 144, pp. 955-965