¿Se perciben con inteligencia emocional los docentes?posibles consecuencias sobre la calidad educativa
- Palomera Martín, Raquel 1
- Gil-Olarte Márquez, Paloma 2
- Brackett, Marc A. 3
Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad de Cádiz
Yale University
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2006
Issue Title: La cualificación profesional básica: competencias para la inclusión sociolaboral de jóvenes
Issue: 341
Pages: 687-704
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
Due to the increase in the demand of emotional intelligence programmes in schools and given the relevance of the role of teachers in their implementation, the objective of our study has been to analyse the perception, not only of practising teachers but also of future teachers (N=121) regarding their own emotional abilities (TMMS, Salovey, Mayer, Goldman,Turvey and Palafai, 1995).We have observed certain differences concerning age, sex and the professional experience of teachers. Results point out that women perceive themselves as more capable to deal with emotions whereas young teachers and students of Education understand better their own emotions. Older teachers are more easily able to restore their emotions via activating a set of strategies. Possible interpretations and consequences of these results are then discussed.