Relating emotional intelligence to social competence and academic achievement in high school students

  1. Gil-Olarte Márquez, Paloma
  2. Palomera Martín, Raquel
  3. Brackett, Marc A.

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2006

Issue Title: Emotional intelligence

Volume: 18

Issue: 1

Pages: 118-123

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema

Sustainable development goals


This study investigated the discriminant, criterion and incremental validity of an ability measure of Emotional Intelligence (EI). High school students (N= 77) took the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test - Spanish Version (MSCEIT V. 2.0, 2002), a measure of Big Five personality traits (BFQ; Caprara, Barbanelli, & Borgogni, 1993), an General Intelligence test (IGF-r 5; Yuste, 2002), and a social competence inventory (AECS; Moraleda, González, & García-Gallo, 1998). Students� academic grades also were obtained from official school records at the end of the school year. As predicted, the MSCEIT was discriminable from well-established measures of personality and intelligence. The test was also moderately related to social competence and predicted students� final grades. Most of the findings remained significant after personality and academic intelligence were statistically controlled. The potential utility of EI in the context of academic institutions is discussed.

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