La música y las trobairitzel testimonio de la Comtessa de Dia
Universidad de Cádiz
ISSN: 1885-3625
Year of publication: 2017
Issue Title: En los márgenes del texto
Issue: 20
Pages: 155-170
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista internacional de culturas y literaturas
The first stanza of the canso A chantar m’er de so q’ieu no volria by La Contessa de Dia, the only extant Trobairitz text with a score, has been preserved in the folio 204r-vº of the W manuscript which is here analysed as proof of the relationship between poetry and music, together with the iconographic material —five miniatures— that accompanies it in the four great songbooks of troubadour poetry of the 13th century (A, I, K and H).
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