Tratamientos basados en luz ultravioleta para aguas de lastre como opción viable hacia el control de especies invasoras en la bahía de Algeciras

  1. Javier Moreno-Andrés 1
  2. Leonardo Romero-Martínez 1
  3. Asunción Acevedo-Merino 1
  4. Enrique Nebot. 1
  1. 1 Dpto. Tecnologías del Medio Ambiente. Facultad Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales. Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEI-MAR). Universidad de Cádiz.
Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños

ISSN: 1133-5319

Année de publication: 2017

Número: 47

Pages: 159-172

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Almoraima: revista de estudios campogibraltareños


In the most of the cases the organisms released by ballast water have found a way that enables them to develop and grow into a new habitat, becoming invasive species. It can generate large impacts, endangering the ecosystem and human activities. The port of Algeciras, a leading global port, assumes great importance in this aspect. Due to its strategic location on the Strait of Gibraltar, making it appear as a gateway to alien species from diverse geographic areas. It is estimated about 40 recent invasions have been mediated by ballast water. As an example of local cases can be cited the oyster Crassostrea gigas which appear among the 100 most harmful species of the Mediterranean. To avoid this problem must be implemented ballast water treatment before water discharge.In this study has been evaluated the effectiveness of microbiological disinfection based on ultraviolet (UV) treatments. UV treatment was improved by adding small concentrations of H2 O2 . In this way it may speed up ballasting and de-ballasting process. All of it without generating any waste that generates environmental impact. This work fits on the topic: ecology of marine waters, focusing on the problem of aquatic invasive species, considered among the world’s greatest threats to the oceans and its importance in a big gateway such as the Strait of Gibraltar.