Txalaparta y construcción nacionalconstruyendo música

  1. María Escribano del Moral
Ankulegi: gizarte antropologia aldizkaria = revista de antropología social

ISSN: 1138-347X

Year of publication: 2018

Issue Title: Sonidos, ruidos, música

Issue: 22

Pages: 43-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Ankulegi: gizarte antropologia aldizkaria = revista de antropología social


This paper is concerned with the process of the revival and construction of Txalaparta, a sound tradition and instrument which originates from the Basque Country. Since the rediscovery of Txalaparta in the 1960s, a stream has emerged, among many, in a continued project of musical construction. Departing from the broad spectrum approach to performance pioneered by Schechner, where words and actions are considered performative, or displayed to be witnessed and to change/construct reality at the same time, an interpretation will be set forth on those discourses and actions which are mobilised through Txalaparta by a nation that seeks to belong (to be recognised) with the full presence of a nation-state.

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