Capacitated Discrete Ordered Median Problems

  1. Inmaculada Espejo 2
  2. Justo Puerto 1
  3. Antonio M. Rodríguez-Chía 2
  1. 1 Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  2. 2 Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
IX Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems

Editorial: Universidad de Cádiz

ISBN: 978-84-09-07742-7

Año de publicación: 2019

Páginas: 63-64

Tipo: Aportación congreso


Flexible discrete location problems, or the so-called discrete ordered median problems, have been widely studied in combinatorial optimization.In this paper we deal with the capacitated version of this problem. Different formulations of the capacitated discrete ordered median problem arepresented as well as some preprocessing phases for fixing variables. In addition, some strategies to generate incomplete formulations and increase the size of the instances that we are able to solve are also studied.