- 1 University of Cadiz (SPAIN)
Editorial: IATED
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
Ano de publicación: 2023
Tipo: Achega congreso
Engineering subjects usually train students to solve numerical problems. It is very common for students to have a collection of problems or books with problems to solve, sometimes even solved step by step. However, this widespread learning procedure cause lack of integration with the subject, disregarding basic aspects of learning, such as the conceptualization of the problem.Consequently, in high-level courses for bachelor’s degrees, students commonly present a low ability to reason and understand the problem. This is a problem regarding their close-future professional life, which will not be governed by problems solved in textbooks.This experience was designed to reinforce the student's ability to innovate and solve problems close to the working world. Therefore, in certain subjects of the Manufacturing Processes Engineering Area, a novel learning methodology with the following objectives:1. To conceptualize the problem2. To develop self-learning abilities.3. To gather the necessary data and information from reliable sources4. To provide a solution based on the data collected and information processed.In this methodology, theoretical bases are given in theory classes, where no lectures are offered but open discussions on the subject of the course as a base to conceptualize the problem. Initially, a basic knowledge test is used by the teacher to assess the level of the group. This test is not an assessment that serves to focus the student on the learning process without focusing on the evaluation. Then, laboratory experiences are carried out in small groups to collect data. Afterward, the advanced information was self-learned by a bibliographic search on advanced sources (WOK, Scopus, etc...), this task is guided by the theory classes. To control the learning process, the students progressively present the results obtained to the rest of the students. The rest of the students evaluate it, propose improvements or ask questions. In this step it is important to encourage the students' pro-activity; therefore, it is the teacher's task to get the students involved. Participation in discussions is fundamental to the process. In this way, everyone participates in the learning process with a progressive advance in their ability to solve problems. Finally, the complete solution is presented in a special session in which all students participate. This presentation is accompanied by a Technical Report in business format. Once the process is completed, the student is given again the initial test, where they evaluate themselves obtaining a much higher grade in all cases.