Uso de la metodología de aprendizaje basado en proyectos para el entrenamiento de las soft skills aplicado a exposiciones y defensas orales
- Magdalena Ramírez Peña
- Alberto Cerezo Narváez
- Andrés Pastor Fernández
- Manuel Otero Mateo
- Moisés Batista
Publisher: Red Iberoamericana de Mentorías
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 220 – 232
Type: Conference paper
While some people may have a natural predisposition for certain soft skills can be acquired and developed through education, experience, and practice. Through education, skills such as effective communication, leadership and conflict resolution can be learned. Experience can also help develop soft skills, as each situation can offer opportunities to practice and improve skills such as adaptability and empathy. In the context of soft skills training, project-based learning (PBL) proves to be very effective since it is a methodology that involves students working on real projects that allow them to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems and develop solutions. That is why the objective of the article is to apply the project-based learning methodology that together with a continuous assessment requires that at each step oral presentations of the progress of the project are developed to the rest of classmates, as well as in the exhibition of the final work, allowing them to achieve exposure skills, understanding, improved expression, in short, important skills that are increasingly valued in today´s labor market and essential in professional and personal life.