1. M.D. Granado-Castro 2
  2. A. Canalejo 3
  3. M. Díaz de Alba 2
  4. R. Canalejo 45
  5. E. Espada-Bellido 2
  6. N. Murillo 1
  7. M. Oliva 1
  8. R. Torronteras 56
  9. M.D. Galindo-Riaño 2
  1. 1 Department of Biology, Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, CEI-MAR, University ofCadiz. Spain.
  2. 2 Department of Analytical Cbemistry. lnstitute ofBiomolecules (INBIO), Faculty of Science, CEIMAR. University of Cadiz. Spain.
  3. 3 Departrnent ofEnvironmental Bíology and Public Health. Faculty of Experimental Sciences. CEIMAR. University ofHuelva. Spain.
  4. 4 Departrnent ofEnvironmental Bíology and Public Health. Faculty of Experimental Sciences. CEIMAR.
  5. 5 University ofHuelva. Spain.
  6. 6 Department ofEnvironmental Bíology and Public Health. Faculty of Experimental Sciences. CEIMAR.
The 15th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry

Editorial: Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)

ISBN: 978-80-214-5073-8

Año de publicación: 2014

Páginas: 94

Tipo: Aportación congreso


The aim of the present sludy was 10 asscss the potential induction of oxídative and hislopathological damage after a waterbome Pb-exposure in gills, muscle, liver aod brain of European seabass,Dicentrarchus labrax, an imponant commercial fish widely cuhured in lhe Mediterranean. Juvenilefish were placed in 30 L taoks and exposed under laboratory condítions for 24 and 96 bours to Pbconcentrations of O (controls), 0.01, 0.1, 1 and 1 O ppm by adding Pb(CH~COO H)2• Pb concentrationswere analyzed in water samples by ICP-AES or DPASV and in fish tissues by ICP-MS. A sel ofbiomarkers of oxidative damage including lipid peroxidation (LPO), superoxide dísmutase (SOD),catalase (CAT) as well as the presence of histopathological aherations, were evaluated. Pbconcentrations (mg!Kg d.w.) observed in tissue samples, ranged bctween 0.33 and 28.16 (gills); 0.014and 5.24 (brain); 0.011 and 2.83 (liver); and fmally 0.026 and 0.339 (muscle). Regarding tbe time ofexposure, Pb concentration increased significantly in gills and slightly in liver and brain; muscle wasaffected to a lesser extent. Afler Pb exposure, IIP (hydroperoxides) content was increased in al! tbestudied organs, but the bigber HP levcls were observed in gills. SOD activity was bigber in giUs andliver, althougb il was also stimulated in brain tissue. CAT activity were increased by Pb in descendingorder gills>liver>brain>muscle. Histopathological lesions as esteatosis, blood cells accumulation invascular system and cellular atrophy leading to parcnchyma disorganization were detected in liver.Gills showed alterations as oedemas, aneurysms, hypertrophy of lamellar epithelia and epitbelialdesquamation. These results strongly suggest that Pb exposure caused an accumulation of the metalthat correlated with the induction of oxidative stress, and an organ specific antioxidant response aswell as histopathological damage in the fish tissues, which may serve as early biomarkers of Pbtoxicity in fish.