Publicaciones (145) Publicaciones de JUAN BOUBETA PUIG


  1. An Intelligent Transportation System for Tsunamis Combining CEP, CPN and Fuzzy Logic

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  2. An automatic complex event processing rules generation system for the recognition of real-time IoT attack patterns

    Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 123

  3. CASI: Complementary allocation strategic intelligence

    III Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería Informática

  4. CEPEDALoCo: An event-driven architecture for integrating complex event processing and blockchain through low-code

    Internet of Things (Netherlands), Vol. 22

  5. EDALoCo: Enhancing the accessibility of blockchains through a low-code approach to the development of event-driven applications for smart contract management

    Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol. 84, pp. 1-2

  6. Ethereum blockchain platform

    Distributed Computing to Blockchain: Architecture, Technology, and Applications (Elsevier), pp. 267-282

  7. Gestión Segura de Certificados Digitales de Eventos Científicos mediante Blockchain

    Actas de las XVIII Jornadas de Ingeniería de Ciencia e Ingeniería de Servicios (JCIS 2023)

  8. Gestión de un hogar inteligente utilizando sensores para asistir a la salud y la seguridad

    III Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería Informática

  9. Hacia la gestión de contratos inteligentes en varias redes blockchain

    III Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería Informática

  10. Hyperledger Fabric blockchain platform

    Distributed Computing to Blockchain: Architecture, Technology, and Applications (Elsevier), pp. 283-295

  11. Node4Chain: Extending Node-RED Low-Code Tool for Monitoring Blockchain Networks

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

  12. Proceedings of the Third Doctoral Consortium in Computer Science (JIPII 2023)

  13. Seeking Higher Performance in Real-Time Data Processing through Complex Event Processing

    ALLDATA 2023: The Ninth International Conference on Big Data, Small Data, Linked Data and Open Data

  14. Sistema de monitorización basado en CEP para la detección de incidencias críticas en plantaciones agrícolas

    III Jornadas de Investigación Predoctoral en Ingeniería Informática

  15. Towards Real-Time Monitoring of Blockchain Networks Through a Low-Code Tool

    Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)