Profesor Ayudante Doctor
Dublin City University
Dublín, IrlandaDublin City University-ko ikertzaileekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (9)
An Experience of Use a Serious Game for Teaching Software Process Improvement
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Designing game scenarios for software project management education and assessment
IET Software, Vol. 13, Núm. 2, pp. 144-151
A multivocal literature review on serious games for software process standards education
Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 57, pp. 36-48
A serious game to support the ISO 21500 standard education in the context of software project management
Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol. 60, pp. 80-92
Teaching software processes and standards: a review of serious games approaches
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Towards a Standard to Describe and Classify Serious Games as Learning Resources for Software Project Management
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Coverage of ISO/IEC 29110 project management process of basic profile by a serious game
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Coverage of the ISO 21500 standard in the context of software project management by a simulation-based serious game
Communications in Computer and Information Science
ProDecAdmin: A game scenario design tool for software project management training
Communications in Computer and Information Science