Department: Filología Francesa e Inglesa

Research institute: Instituto de Lingüística Aplicada (ILA)

Area: English Philology


Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Organización y representación término-ontológica del dominio de la seguridad de la navegación marítima (inglés-español) 2016. Supervised by Dr. Gloria Corpas Pastor.

My current research interests are focused on exploring new objects of linguistic inquiry that stem from my Ph.D. thesis, entitled 'Term-ontological Organisation and Representation of the Safety on Maritime Navigation Domain (English-Spanish; Spanish-English); "Organización y representación término-ontológica del dominio de la seguridad de la navegación marítima (Inglés-Español; Español-Inglés)" (Losey 2016), and on extending, transferring and applying the results obtained to the innovation and enhancement of ESP teaching and learning methods and techniques, and to specialised translation and e-dictionary-building fields. Additionally, further lines of research are ontology building, technology-enhanced language learning and NLP techniques applied to ESP and specialised EAP pedagogy.