Department: Ingeniería Informática

Area: Computer Languages and Systems

Research group: Grupo UCASE de Ingeniería del Software


Áreas PAIDI: Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

Doctor by the Universidad de Sevilla with the thesis Verificación formal en ACL2 del Algoritmo de Buchberger 2003. Supervised by Dr. José Antonio Alonso Jiménez, Dr. José Luis Ruiz Reina.

Inmaculada Medina-Bulo received her PhD in Computer Science at the University of Seville (Spain). She has been with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Cádiz (Spain) since 1995. She has been a member of the Council of the School of Engineering (ESI), as well as a Socrates/Erasmus Program Coordinator for several years. From July 2010 to July 2011 she was appointed Degree Coordinator for the Computer Science Studies and a member of the Board of the ESI. From July 2011 to September 2013 she occupied the position of Inspector General of the University. Finally, from September 2013 to July 2019 she held the post of Director General for Information Systems of the University (Chief Information Officer - CIO). Her research was supported by research stays at the USA, the UK and Germany. She has served in program or organizing committees at different conferences and journals. She has published numerous papers in international journals, and international conference and workshop proceedings. Inmaculada is the head of the UCASE Software Engineering Research Group and has supervised 10 PhD thesis since 2009. Her main research interests are software verification, software testing, search-based software engineering, web service compositions, model-driven engineering and complex event processing. She has coordinated the development of several open source testing tools, such as the MuBPEL mutation testing tool for WS-BPEL, the GAmeraHOM tool for locating “hard-to-kill” mutants, the Rodan test case generation tool and the Takuan dynamic invariant generator for WS-BPEL. She has participated in and led research projects, all involved in software engineering related aspects. She has been the head of the Spanish Excellent Network in Search-Based Software Engineering. Regarding transfer activities, she has participated in several contracts, including an expert report for Tana Systems, a specialized course for FABA-Bazán (defence sector), the development of a BPELUnit extension for InnoQ (IT consulting with offices in Germany and Switzerland) and data analysis (big data) for AIRBUS. In the mid and long term, she is interested in transferring research results from search-based software engineering (SBSE), software verification and validation (particularly, formal software testing), and service oriented and event driven architectures (SOA & EDA), to solve challenges from our society.