Département: Ingeniería Química y Tecnología de Alimentos

Domaine: Ingeniería Química

Groupe de recherche: Analisis y Diseño de Procesos con Fluidos Supercríticos

Email: antonio.montes@uca.es

Áreas PAIDI: Tecnologías de la Producción

Docteur à l Universidad de Cádiz avec la thèse Precipitación de micropartículas de antibióticos betalactámicos y etilcelulosa mediante la técnica sas usando dióxido de carbono supercrítico 2012. Dirigée par Dra. C. Pereyra López, Dr/a. María Dolores Gordillo Romero.

Licensed Chemical Science by University of Cádiz (2000). I have taken part of several researcher teams that have gained many funds in competitive calls that are summarized as follows: 4 projects from MINECO and 3 excellence projects from Junta de Andalucía. With regard to productive sector, it has licensed a patent (P200501887) about procedure to consolidate monumental stones with products made by TEP115 group. This patent was awarded with the First Award of Patent of Trimester in 2007. I have carried out my Ph degree (2012) in the “Analyses and Process Design with supercritical fluids (TEP128) belong to Chemical Engineering and Food Technology Department. Almost all my scientific career has been generated in this research group with 46 scientific contributions mostly about polymer processing, nano and micro particles generation of pharmaceutical compounds and natural antioxidants using supercritical CO2 as well as the encapsulation of added value compounds using this technology. In these moments my investigations is focused into nano and micro particles generation of bioactive substances from agro food wastes and their biomedical application (https://fluidossupercriticosuca.es/. The contributions are summarized as follows: 35 scientific publications in scientific journal located in the initial third to their corresponding topic area. I´m coauthor of 5 book chapters and 40 congress communications, 31 of them in international meeting. These ones have been 34 posters and 6 oral communications. In addition, I have taken part as organizer committee in a national congress. I have carried out two PhD stays as part of my formation: 2 months in Institute of Tecnologia Química y Biológica (ITQB), Oeiras, Lisboa (Portugal) in 2010, and 3 months in University Georg-Simon-Ohm University of Applied Research Nürnberg, Nürnberg (Alemania) in 2011. In these stays acquired knowledge and skills about pharmaceutics encapsulation and controlled drug delivery systems and the polymer processing respectively. Moreover, I was during the whole year of 2014 in a postdoctoral position in School of Chemistry in the University of Nottingham where I completed my formation in polymer processing with supercritical fluids. I have driven two Doctoral Thesis and I currently drive a third one. I have used many scientific lab equipment of high level as well as scientific informatics applications. I´m academic editor of the Applied Science journal. I have been reviewer of numerous papers of index journals. This last year have coordinated the Technical Training Course: “Aplicaciones de los Procesos con Fluidos Supercríticos en la Industria Agroalimentaria” carried out in our facilities.