Department: Historia, Geografía y Filosofía

Area: Archaeology

Research group: El Círculo del Estrecho, Estudio Arqueológico y Arqueométrico de las Sociedades desde la Prehistoria a la Antigüedad Tardía


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Áreas PAIDI: Humanidades

Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Iconografía monetaria de la región geohistórica del Estrecho de Gibraltar y su periferia. Siglos III a.C.- I d.C 2014. Supervised by Dr. Alicia Arévalo González.

Post-doctoral researcher on Archaeology, I started my academic training and career more than twenty years ago at the University of Cádiz. In this period, I have devoted my work to the protection and research of archaeological heritage, specifically on Numismatics, focused on Ancient Hispania. This path enabled her to contribute with new information to research lines which analyse the relationships between Numismatics and Archaeology, mindsets and images, quantification and economy during Antiquity. Furthermore, in the last years I tried to integrate new digital methodologies into this line, barely explored in Spain, taking the first steps to open a new training and research line in Computing Archaeology and Digital Humanities, and leading an interdisciplinary team with experts from different scientific fields (Archaeology, Information Technology, Mathematics, Geography, Architecture). At present I am engaged in Contrato de investigación Juan de la Cierva–Incorporación, being formerly beneficiary of Contrato de Investigación Juan de la Cierva-Formación, Contrato Puente para Doctores and Contrato de Formación de Personal Investigador del Plan Propio of University of Cádiz and granted with fellowships in the German Numismatic Society (XIV INC), the Associazione Italiana di cultura classica (AICC)-Messina (XV INC) or the University of Alicante (Specialisation in heritage virtualisation). I am currently a member of Grupo de Investigación PAIDI HUM-440, being recently awarded a scoring of 31 out of 32 by the assessment from Junta de Andalucía. My career is endorsed by honours such as the I3 certificate from the Programa de Incentivación de la Incorporación e Intensificación de la Actividad Investigadora (Programme I3), the recognition of a research activity period within the University of Cádiz (Sexenio UCA), the Premio a la Excelencia Investigadora in category JOVEN INVESTIGADOR in Área de Arte y Humanidades in the University of Cádiz (2018) or the Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado (Category Arts and Humanities) by the University of Cádiz.