Department: Didáctica de la Educación Física, Plástica y Musical

Area: Physical Education and Sport

Research group: Empowering Health by Physical Activity, Exercise and Nutrition


Personal web:

Áreas PAIDI: Ciencias y Técnicas de la Salud

Doctor by the Universidad de Cádiz with the thesis Fitness, body composition, and depressive symptoms in healthy and depressed adults and older adults 2023. Supervised by Dr. Vanesa España Romero, Dr. Ana Carbonell Baeza.

Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (2013-2017), Master in Physical Activity and Health (2017-2018), Master in Compulsory Secondary Education Teachers (2018-2019) and currently she is PhD student of Program in Science Sciences Health (2019- present), being all the studies completed at the University of Cádiz. During the academic years 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 she was a collaborating student and during this period until 2017 she participated in projects financed by the own plan of the University of Cádiz: Prototype "Sistema portátil para la evaluación y entrenamiento de la fuerza isométrica mediante guía" (AT2016-38) and "Proyecto C-HIPPER: Aspectos fisiológicos y psicológicos en escalada" (PR2016-056). Subsequently, in 2018 she began to collaborate with the research group "eMpOwering health by physical actiVity, Exercixe and nutriTion" MOVE-IT CTS 1038, to which he currently belongs, and to actively participate in the "EFICCOM Project: Efecto del ejercicio FÍsico supervisado a nivel Cerebral, COgnitivo y Metabolómico en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve" (DEP2016-76123-R), RETOS Project financed by the National Plan I + D + I. She currently has an FPI predoctoral contract since June 2019 associated with an ITI Cádiz Project: "Influencia de una intervención con ejercicio físico sobre marcadores asociados al envejecimiento, perfil proteómico y fragilidad en personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo leve. Proyecto INTERMAE" (IPs: David Jiménez Pavón and Ana Carbonell Baeza, Ref. 0002-17 / 1). Her doctoral thesis is associated with the research line of said ITI Project. In addition, she also actively collaborates in "Estudio SONRIE: ActividadeS físicas en el medio NatuRal en personas con depresión". Projects Ministry of Health 2018 Junta de Andalucía (IP: Vanesa España Romero, Ref. PI: 0068 2018) and European project LIFE AGE. Regarding teaching activity, she teaches part of the practices of the subject of Physical Activity and Health in the Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences of the University of Cádiz, as part of the teaching and research staff (PDI) within the Department of Physical Education (Faculty of Education Sciences).