Publicaciones (44) Publicaciones de SOFIA PEREZ DE GUZMAN PADRON


  1. Conclusion: Contingent workers' voice in Southern Europe after covid-19

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 197-202

  2. Contingent Workers’ Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation ed. lit.

    Edward Elgar Publishing

  3. Contingent workers' expectations for a collective voice: Between individualism and the need for representation

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 37-53

  4. Contingent workers' voice in Southern Europe: Collective experiences of protection and representation

    Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 1-230

  5. Docencia online y docencia híbrida en el contexto de pandemia: Lecciones aprendidas y buenas prácticas del profesorado de ciencias sociales y jurídicas de la universidad de Cádiz

    Innovación docente y metodologías activas de enseñanza. Propuestas y resultados (Dykinson), pp. 729-749

  6. Introduction: What is at stake regarding the collective representation of contingent workers?

    Contingent Workers' Voice in Southern Europe: Collective Experiences of Protection and Representation (Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.), pp. 1-18


  1. Estrategias sindicales, recursos de poder y relaciones de empleo: el caso de Correos

    Cuadernos de relaciones laborales, Vol. 40, Núm. 2, pp. 261-282

  2. The changing conceptions of time in the social scheme of daily life: a work-life balance approach

    Journal of Family Studies, Vol. 28, Núm. 2, pp. 611-628


  1. Espagne: défendre l'emploi, préserver sa légitimité: un bilan en demi- teinte pour les syndicats.

    Facteurs en Europe. Le syndicalisme face à la libéralisation et aux mutations des activités postales: Belgique, Bulgarie, Espagne, France et Royaume-Uni (LEST- Octares editions), pp. 163 - 197


  1. Transformation in the Meaning of Work Beyond the Institutional Sphere: The View from the Standpoint of Gender Relations and Differences

    The deconstruction of employment as a political question: "employment" as a floating signifier (Palgrave Macmillan Reino Unido), pp. 291-315